Wednesday, April 22, 2015

11 Crazy Things You Didn't Know About V@,Gina's But Totally Should [Must Read]

via- 11 things I bet you never knew about v@,ginas.
It's amazing how much misinformation is out there about the v@,gina. Given how fascinated our society is with the female body, you'd think we'd be a little more informed
To help out, I've compiled a few things you may not know about the female genitalia. Continue reading........

Pubic hair is not just a biological accident that forces us to the waxing salon. It serves three critical functions. First, it protects the delicate v@,gina. Second, it serves as a reproductive billboard to alert potential mates that you are biologically (if not emotionally) prepared to procreate. And last, it's a pheromone carpet and traps the scents that lead potential mates to the promised land. So you might think twice before you shave it all off. It's there for a reason. Embrace it. Continue reading........

There are 8000 nerve endings in the cl,itoris, dedicated exclusively to female pleasure. The penis only has 4000. Who says God didn't take care of us girls? Continue reading........

The average v@,gina is 3-4 inches long, but fear not if your guy is hung like a horse. The vagina can expand by 200% when s..£xually aroused, kind of like a balloon. Remember, the v@,gina was made to birth babies, so it's exceedingly elastic. If you have pain when getting it on with someone large, you can use dilators to help stretch the v@,gina so you can accommodate the whole package. Continue reading........

The v@,gina doesn't connect to the lung. While the v@,gina can expand, it's not an open conduit to the abdominal cavity. While microscopic s,perm can swim through a tiny hole in the cervix, a tampon simply won't fit. So if you lose something in there, don't worry. Reach in all the way and pull it out. Do not -- I repeat, do not -- go hunting for whatever you've lost with a pair of pliers. Think of your vagina as being like a sock. If you lose a banana in a stays in the sock. Continue reading........

dirt sock
Yes, it's true -- your v@,gina can fall out. Not to belabor the sock metaphor, but it can turn inside out just like a worn out sweat sock and hang between your legs as you get older. But don't fret; this condition -- called pelvic prolapse -- can be fixed. Continue reading........

V@,ginas have something in common with sharks. Both contain squalene, a substance that exists in both shark livers and natural v@,ginal lubricant. (Cue music: "She's a maneater...")Continue reading........

You can catch s..£xually transmitted diseases even if you use a condom. Sorry to break it to you, but the skin of the vulva can still touch infectious skin of the scrotum -- and BAM! Warts. Herpes. Molluscum contagiosum. Pubic lice. So pick your partners carefully. Continue reading........

The word "v@,gina" comes from the Latin root meaning "sheath for a sword," which may explain why some women simply hate the word. So if you don't like the word "v@,gina," pick your own name for your girly parts. Just call it something and don't be afraid to talk about it.Continue reading........

Only about 30% of women have 0,rgasms from intercourse alone. The clitoris is where the action is. Most women who do o,rgasm during s..£x have figured out how to hit their sweet spot, either from positioning or from direct stimulation of the cl,itoris with fingers.Continue reading........

vaginal farts
V@,ginal farts (some call them "queefs" or "varts") happen to almost all women at one time or another, especially during s..£x or other forms of exercise. So don't be embarrassed if your hooha lets out a toot. You're perfectly normal.Continue reading........

Some women do ejaculate during o,rgasm, but you're normal if you don't. The controversial "female ejaculation" most likely represents two different phenomena. If it's a small amount of milky fluid, it likely comes from the paraurethral glands inside the urethra. If it's a cup, it's probably pee. Many times, it may be a little bit of both. But don't stress out about peeing on yourself. Put a towel under you and surrender to the experience.

There you go. There you have it. It's important to know this kind of stuff, because you can't truly love all of yourself until you love and understand your girly parts. We talk about the eyeball or the elbow or the big toe. Why not talk about the vagina?
So there you have it.
Can you believe that these 11 facts caused such a hullaballoo? What do you think? Did you learn anything new? Have any more fun v@g,ina facts to share? - Post a comment  and help others.
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