Wednesday, April 22, 2015

GUYS: 9 Ways To Properly Fondle A Woman's Br£ast To Arouse Her For S.. £x

via- When it comes to fondling a woman’s breast, most men usually get it wrong because we presume we doing it right and just like our habit of not asking for directions even when we are lost, same way we fail to ask women how it’s properly done…”ego go kill we”
Many men are really disadvantaged because girls are on the shy side and find it difficult discussing s,*x and foreplay with their men but funny enough, they discuss it among themselves. It will surprise you to know that, while you thinking you did a good job at handling her boobs because she was faking and moaning, she’s probably sitting somewhere with her friends talking about how you nearly tore her breasts off. Well! She might not be far from right because many men actually attack boobs during foreplay like they would when stirring fufu in a mortar or when kneading corn dough. Dude!! You doing it all wrong.
Take note that women hate that but the painful aspect is, they never tell you. So while you walking around thinking you’re an expert at the area, you might want to sit down with her and ask her to teach you how to properly do it. If you’ve not had the opportunity and you are about reading this, then you’re a lucky man. Take the time and go through this list to determine the 9 best ways to fondle a woman’s breast to arouse her for s,*x.
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You don’t have to necessarily wait till her bras are off to get started with foreplay and touching her breasts. It can feel really interesting to rub above the material. All adds a difference to using your hands directly on her skin. So you can play with the material, see what type of bra she’s wearing and if it’s an elastic size, you can run your fingers through the elastic and tease her, feel them with the tip of your fingers and come back out, touch her on top of the material and play around with a different sensation.
This feels really nice for a short period of time, it can start to change or feel uncomfortable if you do it for too long. So think of something to do before the beginning instead of just ripping her bra off. So in the nutshell, don’t continue this for a long time because it start to feel a little weird. Continue reading........


A lot women’s arousal is actually a mental game, so teasing is going to incorporate some anticipation and that will automatically set the mood and get her really into it. So if you’re touching her really lightly with a feather or an ice cube or even with your hands, gently just holding it up to her breasts or barely touching it, that can feel really nice.
Women have microscopic hairs on the circumference of their nipples, so if you’re just grazing them lightly, it’s going to shoot sensations into their whole body. This is going to feel amazing even though you’re barely touching her. By holding back, you are going to create this major anticipation and she’s going to really! really!! want you and I’m sure this is something that you want…right? Continue reading........


Most guys naturally reach out and grab a woman’s breast from in-front, but it’s actually really sensual experience when you stand behind a woman. Cupping her breasts from behind can get her arousal since she can’t see what you’re doing while you massage her.
When you do that, it releases a chemical in her brain called oxytocin and that enhances her mood. By doing this, you’re doing foreplay by just massaging her breast.
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If you’re going to go with a little rough movement, then you have to make sure to also incorporate some gentle touch, because women really appreciate some tenderness. This is the situation where you have to also think about what she wants and what really feels good for her, so it feels really nice to caress her breasts gently, to touch them in a really soft way, you can give her a massage but really softly etc.
Women like it when you alternate between something a little rough and a little soft. So it’s important to remember that she really likes it when you’re gentle. Don’t worry so much about over-romanticizing the moment, or being super emotional. This is a situation where you just want to be soft and gentle and then move on. Continue reading........


The nice thing about using your mouth on her breasts is that, there’s saliva involved. There is a natural lubrication in there that can feel really nice. The nipple is really sensitive so if you’re using your fingers too much, it can actually begin to get irritative, so using your mouth can feel really good and the best way is switching it up in between the two. It’s really good to lick around the skin, not just the nipple area, because there are parts all over her breasts that are really sensitive.
Kissing or sucking on her breasts can feel amazing, but too much intensity can leave her feeling sore and turned off. Continue reading........


It’s really good to incorporate different types of sensations, gentle-to-rough. Rough is definitely something you might want to think about and keep in mind but you have to make sure, you’re not rough from beginning to end.
A woman’s arousal will increase exponentially if you just build up to more aggressive, touching, feeling and caressing. When it comes to being rough and aggressive, you really need to take orders from her, because some girls are going to be into more rough play and other girls are going to be into really more gentle soft caresses. If you’re being more aggressive and she’s reacting positively, then go for it, definitely doing continue doing that but if she seems to be not in a so positive way, then definitely pay attention and stop. You can ask her if she likes it and go with how she’s responding.
If you’re being rough, you have to make sure you’re incorporating some gentleness as well. You can lead up to it by being gentle and rough or you can go back and forth. As stated earlier, make sure you’re not rough from beginning to end. The main reason is because breasts are super sensitive and she can’t really handle it even if she likes it when you’re rough during s*x, you have to be really careful with the breasts. Continue reading........


A lot of men think of nipples as buttons, and they are hot buttons and it feels really good but they are not actually buttons or dials. You shouldn’t be poking them, you shouldn’t be twisting them too hard, you have to really be careful because they are sensitive and they are major erogenous zones, so while it can feel really good, there’s a fine line between pleasure and pain, you have to be really careful with that.
Gentle tugging can feel really nice, you have to be aware of what you’re doing, be cautious you’re not pulling too hard because that can be awful and it is a sensation that feels really good if you pay close attention to do it softly and gently.
The sensitivity of a woman’s nipple are pretty subjective and it kind of depends on the woman. The general rule is that larger nipples are more sensitive, because they have more nerve endings, so if she has larger nipples, you have to be more careful. Continue reading........


It’s natural that guys tend to focus on the nipple because that’s what’s starring at them, but other areas around the nipple are also sensitive and worth paying attention to.
The areola is actually proven to be the most sensitive part of the breast, but it’s really important to  make sure that you’re gentle, tender, you give her breast some love in a really soft and s*nsual way.
Guys, I know you love the nipple, but the rest of the breasts is just as important, if not more important. Continue reading........


The shower is the great place to play with her breasts because just being in there is something that’s really s*xy. There is water running down and that’s another natural lubrication and it’s easier to slip around on her breasts and the warm water will raise her blood pressure, making her skin super sensitive. So when you’re touching her breasts in there, it’s going to feel extra good verses when she’s outside the shower.
When you’re in the shower, you can also soap each other up, which is also s*xy and that is another form of lubrication.

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