Wednesday, April 22, 2015

List of 11 Celebrities Who Have Paid Their Flights To Space

Clearly they haven’t seen Gravity yet.     Via- In 2014, Richard Branson is planning on sending hundreds of civilians into space for the first time ever aboard his space fleet Virgin Galactic. And all for the small price of $200,000 (£124,000).

Here is the list of the celebrities who will be blasting into space in 2014.   space buzz
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NUMBER 1 -  Richard Branson (obviously) richard
Chance of survival: 99% — Seeing as he headed up this whole “tourist space travel” thing, we can assume he’s pretty obsessed with all things space and would figure out how to survive in case of emergency. Continue reading......
NUMBER 2 - Leonardo DiCaprio leonardo
Chance of survival: 10% — Sorry, Leo, but you’re just always letting go, and if you’ve seen Gravity, you know that holding onto things in space is a huge key to surviving. Continue reading......
NUMBER 3 - Katy Perry and Russell Brand kathy
Katy’s chance of survival: 75% — She’s got the eye of the tiger, after all. Russell’s chance of survival: 22% — There are just so many stupid things to do in space, which seems like an opportunity Russell would be remiss to pass up. Continue reading......
NUMBER 4 - Justin Bieber justin
Chance of survival: 16% — If you can’t even keep your pants pulled up, how do you expect to survive space? Continue reading......
NUMBER 5 - Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt angelina
Combined chance of survival: 100% — Have you seen Mr. & Mrs. Smith? Continue reading......
NUMBER 6 - Ashton Kutcher ashton kutcher
Chance of survival: 50% — He’s a bit of a goofball. Gorgeous, but still a goofball . Continue reading......
NUMBER 7 - Tom Hanks tom hanks
Chance of survival: 100% — Tom Hanks survives everything (see: Apollo 13, Cast Away, Forrest Gump). Continue reading......
NUMBER 8 - Princess Beatrice beatrice
Chance of survival: 1% — The hat speaks for itself. Continue reading......
NUMBER 9 - Paris Hilton paris hilton
Chance of survival: 39% — Sure, she’s got America on her side, but she doesn’t seem to be wearing the proper clothing. Continue reading......
And two celebrities who did not have to pay for their ticket to space, but instead were gifted their passage by Branson himself. They include the physicist Stephen Hawking:

NUMBER 10 - Stephen Hawking stephen hawking
Chance of survival: 99% — Stephen Hawking is one of the smartest living people on Earth; he’s got it covered. Continue reading......
And actress Kate Winslet, who saved Branson’s 90-year-old mother, Eve, from a fire in 2011

NUMBER 11 - Kate Winslet
kate winslet
Chance of survival: 95% — Rose survives and has lots of babies, and Kate pulls people out of burning buildings, so we have faith.
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